笑谈人间几多苦 Laughing off the bitterness of life 我们的痛苦,实际上不是来自于外境本身,而是自己内心的执著。 古罗马的哲学家爱比克泰德,也说过:“真正困扰我们的,并不是发生在我们身上的事,而是我们对这件事的想法。” 苦才是人生 Living through suffering 纵观整个世间,身与心的痛苦无处不在, In the entire world, there is nowhere that is safe from the sufferings of the body and the mind. 一个人不论高贵、低贱, All of us, no matter of high or low social class, 随时都被这两种苦所损恼, are constantly inflicted by these two kinds of suffering. 就像同一苦海中的浅水鱼、深水鱼,无时无刻不在为苦水浸泡着。 It is like fish in the ocean—they all are immersed in the salty seawater, whether in shallow waves or in deep-sea canyons. 在这个世界上,人人都希求安乐,但往往求之不得。 In life everyone wants happiness, but this has always been elusive. 只要转生为人,就要感受最初降生、中间患病衰老、最终死亡的痛苦。 Born as humans, we suffer first from birth, then illness and aging, and finally death. 来到人间,谁又能躲得掉生老病死呢? Who, if anyone, can escape the miseries of cyclic existence? 有些人喜欢追求财富,却不知道腰缠万贯的富人有谋财、守财、失财的痛苦,身无分文的穷人有无财、求财的痛苦。 Many people desire wealth,but little do they know that while the penniless person suffers from wanting and craving, the affluent one is worn out from amassing, guarding, or losing wealth. 换句话说,大人物有大人物的痛苦,小人物也有小人物的痛苦。 That is, rich or poor, everyone has his or her own headaches and agonies. 这正像《中观四百论》所说的: Aryadeva’sFour Hundred Verse Treatisesays, “胜者为意苦,劣者从身生, “To those in privileged positions comes mental suffering, while to common folks physical suffering arises. 即由此二苦,日日坏世间。” By these two sufferings, this world is tormented everyday.” 具足世间圆满之人,比如现在的有些领导和老板,在财富、地位、吃穿上已经样样不缺, Those favored by worldly fortune, such as political leaders or business proprietors,are never short of wealth, status and all life’s amenities. 可内心却充满了极大压力。 Yet inwardly they could be under tremendous pressure 比如,为稳固自身的权势而惶惶不安,害怕自己下台,害怕被别人超越; —feeling insecure about their own positions, dreading the loss of power, fearing being overcome by opponents, 为他人财富的增长而嫉妒万分;为控制下属与财产而殚精竭虑…… feeling jealous of others’money, scheming of ways to control their subordinates and possessions... 世间上的小人物,虽没有这些内心的痛苦, Mere nobodies in the world may be free from these mental distresses, 却有超强度的劳动,缺衣少食,住房、医疗条件得不到保障…… but they have to make a living through physical labor and are constantly in want of food and clothing, a place to live, medical care and so forth. 由此而引起身体的疲劳、损伤、饥寒、疾病等各种痛苦。 They are tortured by the suffering of physical fatigue, injuries, hunger and cold. 根登群佩大师曾说:“高官心里有大苦,小民身上有小苦。” The Tibetan sage, Gendun Chophel, says, “High officers experience im? mense mental agonies, and low commoners experience raw physical pain.” 确实,作为凡夫俗子,不被痛苦折磨的一个也没有。 Indeed, being an unenlightened being, none of us can be spared from the tor?ment of suffering. 生活中,我们身上还经常发生这样的事: In our life, we are no strangers to these scenarios: 想见的亲友见不到,怨恨的敌人却总是狭路相逢; We don’t see enough of our friends and loved ones, yet we always bump into our nemeses. 想听的喜讯听不到,不愿意听的噩耗却时时传来; The happy news we love to hear never arrives, yet we receive all kinds of bad news. 非常希望身体健健康康的,可往往是病魔缠身, We yearn for a healthy and strong body, yet are burdened with chronic ailments. 没有自由快乐之时……总之,做什么、想什么,结果往往事与愿违。 In short, there is not a moment of happiness and ease, and things always turn out contrary to what we wish for. 纵观整个世间,身与心的痛苦无处不在, In the entire world, there is nowhere that is safe from the sufferings of the body and the mind. 一个人不论高贵、低贱,恒时都被这两种苦所损恼, All of us, no matter of high or low social strata, are con?stantly inflicted by these two kinds suffering. 就像同一苦海中的浅水鱼、深水鱼,无时无刻不在为苦水浸泡着。 It is like fish in the ocean—they all are immersed in the salty seawater, whether in shallow waves or in deep-sea canyons. 索达吉堪布《做,才是得到》 Khenpo Sodargye《Achieve by doing 》
Shou Ji Xue Fo Wang